My Philosophy

“I practice “presence-based” bodywork. This means that during the session, I am not only focused on you, listening intently to what is happening under my touch, but also to my own experience as your body’s responses resonate within me.”

“You may find your body instinctively aware of the high quality of my attention, drinking it in as nourishment, and often blossoming into a sense of satiation and well-being afterwards. I invite you to consider your session less in terms of your future results (although they will occur) and more in terms of the two of us sharing an embodied inquiry.

My pressure can be considered a mirror, revealing to you the felt-sense of your own musculature and occasionally even memories or emotions stored in the tissues. This in-the-moment opportunity is truly the most important part of our work together. During this time, your brain is becoming aware of a detailed map of the physical and emotional landscape under your skin, including all the tight, tender, guarded and even pleasurable areas.

Once these sensations have been brought to the light of awareness and integrated, the body is in a much better position to self-organize and heal.”

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“Although I consider myself a deep tissue specialist, the depth I offer is constantly being modified to your body’s level of receptivity during the session. Deliberate pacing permits your muscles to acclimate to the pressure and welcome deeper strokes and passes. As I intuitively and skillfully penetrate to the deepest layers of your soft tissue, I will also be very much interested in finding the “perfect pressure” for you in that moment.

I will eagerly explore the kinesiological or postural roots of any pain, and may offer a few suggestions for improvement during your session. I will be, however, purposefully oriented to your immediate somatic experience, and most interested in clarifying and attending to what you are feeling during the work. I believe that an openly curious, non-diagnostic stance best suits the goals of deep bodily acceptance, support and integration I have set for my practice.

I look forward to sharing this leg of your embodiment journey with you.”

In Service,

“Dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.”